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woo-hoo-hoo! shouting in our failure stability.

woo-hoo-hoo! shouting in our failure stability. think before supporting. stop kkkpitalism! stop big bad nutri-med! boycott toxic, mafionazist officio-culture, globally! We need benefic, veritable terrasophy, not scammy, toxic, abusive illusions (wolf-state, fox-religions, bunny-arts and other lies). Complaint: George Enescu Festival blocks unobjectively criticizing comments on its page, also messenger box. Where is democracy now? Memento: This 2021 is also the 150th anniversary of Pottier's Internationale, and of Paris Commune itself, plus Verdi's Aida. Terrasophy, not illusions, for all. Make peace, not war, TerraFamilyShip!

Couplet 5/2? :

Les Rois nous saoulaient de fumées.

Paix entre nous, guerre aux tyrans !

Appliquons la grève aux armées,

Crosse en l’air et rompons les rangs !

S’ils s’obstinent, ces cannibales,

A faire de nous des héros,

Ils sauront bientôt que nos balles

Sont pour nos propres généraux.

"The second verse reads as follows:

No more divided by reaction

On tyrants only we will make war

The soldiers too will take strike action

They will break ranks and fight no more

And if those cannibals keep trying

To sacrifice us to their greed

They soon shall hear the bullets flying

We will shoot the generals on our own side.

This is an exact description of the outbreak of the Commune itself. On 18 March 1871, shortly after the end of the Franco-Prussian War, the French government sent its army to seize the cannons of the Parisian citizen militia. However, confronted by masses of women protesters the soldiers decided to mutiny rather than follow orders. When General Lecomte insisted that his troops fire on the people he was seized and executed by his own men."

re Pen(tru) Terra-sofie, nu iluzii. Protecție pentru mici și mari, terrafamilienavă! Să ne pese ce se învață, produce, protejează in finit-mirabila TerraFamilieNavă. Protecție ante producție. Stop otrăvuri șarlatanești ale big bad nutrimed!

Solicităm revizia globală a nutrimedicamentelor contestate, inclusiv a toxivaccinurilor

Addendum musical: ctp cosmoterraprotest orfeic

do-mib.-re-do-si-mib.-mib. (tris)


Eu nu sunt ambasadă,

Și nici olimpiadă,

De-aceea merg pe stradă,

Ca să mă simt norm-al.

sities cosmoterrasophy

Foto: (Ignorant, officially misinformed) People is not poor by how it lives... it is poor by how it thinks.

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