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Din vedeniile lui drali, dracul liber. From the visions of drali, the free drake.

Din vedeniile lui drali, dracul liber. From the visions of drali, the free drake. Cugetând codași în coz=nuc, Am spart placa de la piață. Paria nu pariază. Sus cu greva York-Pekin. But use Chaplin-s key to stop the posthedonian transhistorial timerow. As we need to rule the (remaining) world/terrafamilyship, we have to do it im-and-com-perfectly. Veto to ghetto! revi evi vi i iv ive iver

American mobsters, cunctators will use all the dirty weapons. They are obsessed with victory. The banksters of newyork and geneva have buyed fakelenin, fakesocialism. Beware. Boycott toxi-interniet! Avoid kkkpipitalism products!

Sunt o liber-cugetare. Galileu încă mai zboare.

live-and-learn law/lal law: peace is day/light/idea/deity (day and night=deight, light and shadow=liow). pi*sigma=delta(+niu)

Nature makes defence weapons, art too. So we need to defend somehow. Why not push back? Too much peace is religious, tyrannic opium. Rethinking, lifetree supports many deaths, temporary or definitive, parts of many lives. A temporary death/sleep can save from a definitive death. But good, defensive weapons, too. shame on britshit! viva (terra)republica! eretiv see Eric Kaestner, Fantasie von Übermorgen. lyrics + English translation, Sticks, brooms, nails, terwon, please!

blia! Overexposure is crap. Better hide away. kikuts

ave ateismo! stop cultillusions (and statisticsillusions too)! eppur si muove. Galileo Galilei ... eppur si dimanda. eppur si libera. tipibipi=terraprotectivity before/b4 productivity. E candoare, e sudoare în cuvântul-arcă-boare...

Remembering nold (new-old) cotian (cosmoterrian) senses. run=rondus=rotund=round=gyros. Runa Pacha (America)= Peace Turtle/Roundity is a founding part of the potential unique continent of our Earth, the socalled Pangea. There is a runapachian fable about the visit of a (Alice/Elis) heroin to the subterrestrial Granny Turtle. We have also the (germanic) runic alphabet of the 2nd c. CE, composed by rune(s)=secret, miracle, (cloud-round inspiration) magic. A miraculous turtle, Than Kim Kiu, engineer of a wonder golden nail, used for a very powerful bow, is mentioned too in a Vietnamese (vanlangi) story, "Mi Thiau and Chaung Thiun". There is no old and new worlds, as the official lies say. All on our round-oid (with elliptic veleities) planetship is mixed. Nothing, nobody is superpure. Sadly, the true nature is invaded and tyrannized by mutant, excessive (sci)arts. But nature should remain first, before art, as Plinius senior said. Let us resist together.

a bas l-argent! debout le troc! a bas le toxivote! debout le desbat decent! jos tronu! sus opinca! Răbdare și putere. Forte inex/intern-extern. The beast(.s) was/is/will be gone. Long live the aliebi/allarebest.

also, boycott the fake-nutrimed (antibio) sharks and especially fake-psychiatry (psychless nazimafias) of eli lilly, astrazeneca and coomp. Zeisscomedy is over. funk you! viva revi

We need benefic science, not overtox science. Support sano-aysyntheism, not toxi-religion. Protect before product, terrafamilyship! stop mafionazism, globally! We need the uplic=unipluric philosophy of cominism=communism+individualism. viva revi

see,, etc. Citizens deserve respect, not tyranny. detox overtox! stop dysneydrugmafia!

Experiment to prove life can be simpler, ecosociably: Re-de-set to no-toximoney, no-toxivote. The pressure on planet decreased, all cosmoterrians can breathe healthier and hope better. viva resi (Reason/resistance/rest)!

Recreation of Unforgettable. By Irving Gordon. (Originally Undeniable). Released in 1951. New: Unmemorable.

Unmemorable, that's what you are.

Toxityranny, you fall and here and far.

That's why draling,

You're irrespectable,

Because you're toxi-unmemorable,

We'll forget you, and all bad around you./Toxishit, you will disappear too.

stop mafionazismo in nutrimedicina! support psyful, not psyless treatments! viva (terra)republica! eretiv viva revi! iver aviv

foto a: cui bono? good for whom?

z photo: Weearwo/withrestworking cricats, unite!

y photo: Croclouds in reastonishment.

x photo: I have seen sapi/sadhappy free sandants/molfors...

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