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no(w) goad news: peace=pi's be(a)tween ca-ca(r)pitalism and co-com(p-l)inism

no(w) no(w) peace is one/won/worm (earthworm, that is to say, very important for earth, according to Prof. Charles Darwin) ;;

Verily Freakingly freeing goad (nor good, neither bad) news: It was decided to make peace=pi's (3,14's, or a-y-con-scious ecosociable relations) be(a)tween ca-ca(r)pitalism and co-com(p-l)inism (communism+individualism) (Repetition is source=mother=beginning of learning/studies. resole). acac=ococ/ekek=ukuk. Justification: Every person and all is/has/represents a head/cap, a commune and an indecision=atomity. Not sale, not buy, just barter. Sharing is caring, keeping and curing too . Detox the overtox (nutrimedculture, numecu)! Lo(ng)live Piraju (Peace, Reason and Justice) (p/3,14*R*U) for all bosses-workers, gods-servants, animals-vegetals-minerals etc.! Signed: the dis-pre-y-co-sidents of cosmoterra/cotra imprepia (imperium&republic)

Note: In the pontive/positive-negative mirror, 3=1-4. We need to use this armed-pacific/arpic period in order to harmonise our upliverse=uni-pluri-verse. Terrafamilyship/tefasi(a) laughs, sings and dances soli-da-tarily. lasida=adisal pasta mafionazism/manas, globally! viva revi!

Foto: boycott bibear! Source: improve-the-news. Thanks. tipi

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