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nesirareoc coerarisen

avertismant: boicotati casa de pensii Neamt si CNPP, romania, care ne fura pensiile, ideorealem! Di-as fi presidentu’ lumii, aș da demisii la tàti. Schimbarea matemilor! Revingo Glapax! Revenge Hiroshima/antinukes/antitoxireligions/antibadnutrimedicine!! rêve-ninge. rêve-neige! rvng gnvr

oh, toxic hollybolly mafinazism, get your hands off from good arts! Stop radioactive mass-bombing on romania, earthship. Cf. Guy Debord, La societé du spectacle (doit finir).

Nold wort: imprism(, -ic, -ize)=impressionism and romanticism, harmoniously mixed. Wolfram+wismuth are good scut. Remember the happiness quarta: Peace/Tranquility and Reason (Epicurus), Justice (Seneca) and Protection (sitiarpi). pax-ratio-justitia-protectio>>>parajuprot torpujarap

Observation: Electronic stuff/elsut are like serpents with big heads and thin tails. Important is not to bite too much. Venom is cure or poison. Disconnect when too/very much. No toxic money/vote, no pain. Fair barter/anarrepublic for all. viva aysynteismo!

Then, fakethefake will clean the lake. Dupa O, brad frumos (cantec popular german, cca s. 19) si O, car senin (de Mihail Jora, s. 20), a venit a treia (par)odie: O, mugur fain (de tipi, s. 21).

Proecosociabilitate barterfain

O mugur fain, o, mugur fain

Sa cresti pazit, zeu-serv, prin ani.

De e natura, e și arta cu și fara bani.

New shidled=shadowed-enlightened, rationalist, edeinrevolutionary alter-octave. neenrareoc coerarneen

Em-pedo-cle=In copilărie, puritate, inocență este cheia. In childhood, purity, innocence is the key. Eppur si muove, con syn-y-a-teismo/a-y-syn-teismo... We cosmo-terrians are all gods=dei=theoi=allahs=superiors! Peace, Reason and Justice for all!

Following the Happiness triad by Epicurus and Seneca: Peace/Tranquility, Reason (Epicurus) and Justice (Seneca), we make the first three notes:

- pa(x)=do=pa,

- ra(tio)=re=vu,

- ju(stitia)=mi=ga.

Then, we add Truth, the verifier:

- ver(itas)=fa=di.

Finally, the values of republic=democracy=common-wealth, Freedom, Brotherhood and Equality (in a new order):

- li(bertas)=sol=ke,

- fra(ternitas)=la=zo,

- eg(alitas)=si=ni.

There we have seven good, emancipated notes. ;;;

Small exercice: pa-ju-li pa-ju-li eg-fra-li. To transpose. Metaphoric translation: Les pages=sciences fortes supportent l’unité plurielle=uplité.

Good courage to learn and practice.

cisida citeste si transmite/read and forward; The sol(ar)key is synonym with the unchaining key (uck/iusiki): §. Deus et machina in harmonia. Unoficiali declaration: 2022 - year of the comet/ircom/mocri/comir. « 1 ton of strike, 10 tons of protest, will bring justice. » § sol(1) fa(2) fa fa; mi re po(z); la la mire do; fa mi 2po; sido resol fami mi(2) po. bis . / li(1) ver(2) ver ver; ju ra po(z); fra fra jura pa; ver ju 2po; egpa rali verju ju(2) po. bis. Funk Earthship! Dang music! Free peoples! In a limited cosmos,all is ltd, including eternity. Protect it be! dixit tipi. uplicity=uni-plurity. stop globally mafinazism! ave a-y-syn/pan-teismo! viva revi!

See also: Short life, short art. ave anche (gentile) ateismo! aagat;;; viva rezi!

modits rois cherchent movoie !Revolution is dopped; rad3rdp;; resistance is dignity and peace;;; ro-delta-pi

Proposition: Daco-Romania and Hungary to be one state, Daroria, a good sickle. (Terrian) Brothers have learned to live together in peace. Austria can unite too, to Daroria, or to Germany. Unity for all! A rice grain for a song. rigrafas Prenons la vitamine R3: repos, récréation, réprotection.

Plus: To recuperate swastika from fanatism, nazism etc. It belongs to indo-european culture (Getic, Greek, Indic, Chinese etc.). It represents the cycle of seasons, changes, e-de-re-volutions etc. It can be reinvisioned as a peace symbol. For example, a rainbow/upli-coloured swastika. raswa awsar Similarly for the wind rose. It can represent the pacification between Messiah/Jesus, the ecosociable philosopher of Divinities, and Hypatia, the free erudite, student of tronconism. meyp pyem Or the archimedean cercle can be completed with the keplerian ellipsoid. arcekeel leekecra

Image: upraswa

Minus-minus 2: We need benefic, less toxic nutrimedicine. Lancet article proves the bad effects of mRNA vacs on immune system. stop attacks sysim! Ordre, propreté, fantésie. orpofi gupil perd tril. gupeti Le bomserpent de la forest donne son veto aux surguerres. bomsfo dove sugur

Haiku kuiha, apud Carmen de Bizet

Amor aysynteu, cântec duios, e timp frumos. Age cadu etif

Dédication à la Radio Gue(né)rilla. Via Germaine Tillon, savante française, antifascique, « défendre le vrai et le juste ».

Briser les chaînes

C’est juste à faire./ pour hier,/ un mystère,/

Garder la paix

C’est toujours vrai.

Perle du jut: les organes du NOM, ONU, OMS, NATO etc. sont reprises par les tribes en révolte. Ca suffit, la tyrannie! Viva revi!

Image: Of old and new dreamz.

Video: sbentynki.

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