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we need terrasophy, not illusions (by fake politics, religions etc.) tiesenai z, zeta-day, defensive peace-day, everyday. zzzz inederevolution to end aitiii

V. Guy Debord, (A bas) La société du spectacle. Stop maxitoxi, mafionazist systems (nutrimed+education+work)!

Something red, Something black, Something fake, What the drake? stop mafionazist infiltrations in ecosociable activism, with pre-programmed forced destruction! in-e-volution in evolution. ayaiii. in-e-de-re-volution inherent. ayai.

See Anton Bruckner, Symphony No. 4 "Romantic" (First version, 1874),

re e=mc2. energia terravietii, finita=aime, amour, iubire cu cultura comuna. protectivitate ante productivitate.

Daca CosmoTerra, cu adevarurile sale, ar fi respectata cu adevarat, oamenii nu ar critica/protesta atat contra pseudocratiei inca la putere. Ne-am saturat sa ni se serveasca trucaje. Pana si pseudo-comunismul secolului 20 a fost dirijat din umbra de mafionazismul globalist. V. Guy Debord, (A bas) La société du spectacle. Stop sisteme maxitoxi, mafionaziste (nutrimed+education+work)!

hmmm! cosmosul este groaznic-mirabil și totuși finit. nu sunt toate lucrurile din el, inclusiv muzica, asemenea lui? Să dăm deci și sciartelor dreptul lor cu toleranță limitată. V. Ionel Perlea (1900-1970), Symphonic poem "Don Quixote" (1945), stop mafionazisme globaliste! viva ravel!

Foto republished from fb: antisystemic dra(co)go(a)tism. Thanks to author, Marco Melgrati. No commercial use. (additional note: public grass is quasi toxic, too. after-detox necessary).

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