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CosmoTerrAlert/cta/sitiei, good lishas/lights-shadows in quasi-desert

CosmoTerrAlert/cta/sitiei, good lishas/lights-shadows in quasi-desert. You can learn it too. you-too-be!

CosmoTerr-alerte! Je lance une alerte globale contre le globomafionazisme qui afflige, divise et consomme notre souffrante TerraFamilleNavire. Moultes pétitions, sollicitations, propositions etc. envoyées par moi, artiviste écosociable vers des institutions, grandes corporations, associations etc, pour l'aide systématique, total ou individuel, des conhumains en difficulté, des autres conterriens, de notre Planeterre en ensemble, se sont heurtées à des murs. Pas de réponse, mauvaises réponses, rarement des retours positifs. Nous devons tourner tous les systèmes anthropiques vers la protection-avant-production. On ne peut pas laisser Terra-tortue en flammes. (Bon Anniversaire, 16 terra-juin, chères tortues marines!) Merci.

Voir aussi les observations et liens joints.


sitief efespi cosmoterrafamily forsystemicprotectivity


CosmoTerr-alert! I am launching a global alert against the globomafionazism which afflicts, divides and consumes our suffering TerraFamilyShip. Many petitions, solicitations, proposals etc. sent by me, eco-sociable artivist, to institutions, large corporations, associations etc., for the systematic help, total or individual, of conhumans in difficulty, of other conterrians, of our Planeterra as a whole, have come up against walls. No answer, wrong answers, rarely positive feedback. We must turn all anthropogenic systems towards protection-before-production. We can't leave Terra-turtle in flames. (Happy Birthday, 16th terra-june, dear sea turtles!) Thank you. See also comments and attached links.


sitief efespi cosmoterrafamily forsystemicprotectivity

Observations: Democracy-Pancracy learns, works, protects, fights for all. We all have to be a part of it. TerraFamily together.

Cosmos is ederevolution, diversity, unipluralism, in the limits. We have to create systemic Panprotectivity/Pankaprotectivity/Pancaprotectivity (protectivity for all and each, gr. pan+kathos), Contact and Harmony for Nature-Art (naart). We need TerraReason, non illusion (mafionazireligious, abusotech, toxi-nutrimedicative or other). TerraProtectivity before productivity. tipibipi Basta toxic, insufficiently tested nutrimedicaments, vaccines etc. See Stop globalnik caca(ca)pitalist greed! And the crisis is also about cacapitalist folly, arrogance & greed, doped crocowolves victimizing innocent goatgnus. Stop superpreying for profit. Let us learn free ederevolving cosmoterrian culture, not garbage. you-too-be! V. Johann Chapoutot, Libres d'obéir: Le management, du nazisme à aujourd'hui. Stop the global mafionazifications! Decent Peace, Freedom and Justice for all tiefes/tfs (terrafamilyship). Stop antiecosociable wastings.

Image: (unanswered) protest message to Gale&Cengage Company, against globomafionazist activities, corruption, toxiprivatizations of public spaces, libraries etc. Titles may stink, crescently.

More than dust bins

Image: Terra-Romania is not (limited to) a dust bin. Credit for image: Revista 22.

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