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A money-free optimal economy. An eutopia already in progress

”Here good fellow I'll sing you a song, sing for the brave and sing for the strong to all those living and those who have gone with neuer a penny of mony.” (Thomas Ravencroft)

An idea submitted to discussion. Here I present a theme based on real issues to debate and decide: How to stop the mystification and the tyranny of a perverted, blackmail-through-money economy and evolve to a virtuous economy. A global -at least conceptual - trial, similar to Monsanto Trial, is needed to ban financial tyrannies and to ensure money is used to help peoples' existence, not endanger it. Freedom is still to be achieved, by making money - if any - a tool of social protection, instead of selfish speculation, and even - eutopically - change it with an economic system based on free organization, free subsidy and free work. Life, education, invention are not conceptually dependent on finance, so they must be protected from unjust "addictions". Important economies could be made from the stopping of money and cards production, as well as of demagogical marketing.

Nelson Mandela said in 1956 (in his first known interview): ”We have always regarded as wrong for one racial group to dominate another racial group and from the very beginning the African National Congress has fought without hesitation against all forms of racial discrimination, and we shall continue to do so until freedom is achieved.” . On the contrary, no-money (therefore eco-socially friendly - no discrimination, less consumption of Terra resources) economy =(equals) free, solidaire and sustainable, creation-and-exchange economy . Freedom is a sum of several undiscriminatory freedoms.

We see today the monsters created by money-greed: ”UnitedHealth Overbilled Medicare by Billions, U.S. Says in Suit.” "The Justice Department said misrepresenting people’s health was a civil fraud and sued for triple damages and other penalties." Or: ”'We need fundamental changes': US doctors call for universal healthcare” ” “Our patients can’t afford care and don’t have access to the care they need, while the system is ever more wasteful, throwing away money on bureaucratic expenses and absurd prices from the drug companies,” said David Himmelstein, a professor in the CUNY School of Public Health at Hunter College and lecturer on medicine at Harvard Medical School.”

The trouble with present economic systems is that they are subjective, abusive, built on a predatory model and eco-socially discriminatory. Concerning the American model, Noam Chomsky addressed several critiques. "He [Noam Chomsky] then turns his attention to the planning of the U.S. economy, which he claims has over the preceding 30 years shifted to benefit the corporations and the superrich at the cost of the general population and future generations. He theorises that economists have highly ideological ways of measuring costs which by concentrating on productivity shifts costs to the consumer creating what is in actuality an extremely inefficient system as a whole. He concludes that the U.S. is a failed state with basic institutions that are totally illegitimate, but he hopes one-day it will become as democratic as Brazil or Haiti."

Meanwhile, Terrian nature - minerals, plants, animals - remains functional without being a tax-payer. Even humans do the same most of their life, caring and working and progressing. A historical-musical support for no-money economy was expressed in modern times in the song ”Wee Be Souldiers Three” (16th century, publishing date: 1609).

Track: 10 Title: Wee Be Souldiers Three by Thomas Ravenscroft, 16th century England Wee be souldiers three, pardona moy je vous en pree, lately come forth from the low country with neuer a penny of mony. Here good fellow I drinke to thee, pardona moy je vous en pree: to all good fellowes where euer they be, with neuer a penny of mony. Here good fellow I'll sing you a song, sing for the brave and sing for the strong to all those living and those who have gone with neuer a penny of mony. And he that will not pledge me this, pardona moy je vous en pree: payes for the shot what euer it is, with neuer a penny of mony.

Charge it againe boy, charge it againe, pardona moy je vous en pree, As long as there is any incke in thy pen With never a penny of money.

( ; a lyre-supported version of the song:

Also, human over-production and over-financiarization - compared to the terrian supportability and regeneration capacities of human and non-human co-terrians - are putting life on Earth in danger. Humans must and can adopt barter in place of money, because the first is more economical and more environment-respectful.

Moreover, money became obsolete. Our human society produced through centuries more work than any treasure could pay. The most performing scitech demonstrates that reason and solidarity of the tribal human family are stronger. We only need more agreement and coordination. The proactive character that nature and ethics teach us can help us to make a new evolution towards optimity available to anyone and necessary to anyone. We can all do the good, the best in our capacities. And we have to. The successful models are proof. And the money-free eutopia is part of this evolution.

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