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Project "Earth Free From Quack Ads" (Gains For The Global Respect and Economy!)

To ALL social responsibles on Earth: Stop useless "mediatic" wars! Stop the instructured quackery - stealing and wasting irreplaceable resources -, which became along the centuries of the human history a vicious, viciously inoculated attribute of the human activities! (And spare me and the rest of Terestrials of MORE lies ...! The dignus beings refuse the distruction of their multiple intelligences and the morally hideous, humiliating role of hypocrite puppets, forced to be ignorant, elitistly-hating, addicted-addictive, advertising-for-something. Mother-Earth needs us honest and sane. As mentioned in a previous article,, all humans are brothers and the socio-eco-financial crises can be solved respectively by social honesty,reduction of industrial pollution, and the use of free/gratuiteous, social cards to cover the needs of a decent existence and a free/non-forced, responsible job.)

Argument for banning quack commercial advertising - for beings and things - from our planet:

"A reputable physician does not ... advertise." If physicians should not advertise, why do politicians and commercials do it? In a knowledge society, a just and economical information concerning a being, respectively a resource/product/service should suffice. This approach would annul the social and nuclear-chemical pollution implied by advertising activities and deflate significantly the activity costs! So, we need an international agreement and law to ban the PR and commercial advertising.

The irresponsible, misinformative social quackery and so-called-communication wars (as well as the too toxic productions - flooding the planet Earth) have to be stopped before gangrenating the remaining decent life! Our dear Mother-Earth needs our true and coordinated commitment.

- WPA poster, 1936–38

Max Plattner - Work Projects Administration Poster Collection (Library of Congress). /

WPA poster warning cancer patients to be wary of persons claiming to be physicians and promising to cure cancer.

(Anti-quackery partially-quacked poster)

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