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Terramess thoughts. Nadabaism explained. Protest against narconazisacroimperialism.

Cultural correction: "terraseasonal holidays" instead of "xmas", "hanukkah" etc. Terra-human gods-servants, we need to talk about how to clean the terramess, how to heal our wounds, how to recover, not to grow the dirt of an illusive christmas, in selfishly isolated fake-paradises. Or, if you agree, christmas can be a symbolic holiday for the anniversary of the entire Humanity. Jesus was a (quasi justiciary, anarchist) And nearly every other terrahuman can be a christ=messiah=anointed=representative of TerraHumanity. Terra-humans-gods need terrapeaceful Reason, not damaging illusion (of bad-politics, deceitful-religions etc.) One TerraFamilyShip for one Peace.

And, as in any transformation, all the parties must be involved. Moms/Nanas-dwarves, Dad(a)s/Tatas/Papas-horses and Kids/Babas-plums need to be together, think, prepare and act for the necessary TerraProtectivity. A century after the dadaism, we could add another conceptual word: na-da-ba-ism, nadabaism, a synonym for familial solidarity (at the small and planetary level). New peaceful beginings can give us more life strength.

The simplest articulations, and those which are readiest caught by the infant mouth, are the syllables formed by the vowel a with the primary consonants of the labial and dental classes, especially the former ; ma, ba, pa, na, da, ta. (...)[Hensleigh Wedgwood, "A Dictionary of English Etymology," 1859]

Proverbe roumain: Modération est le meilleur médecin. Proverbe italien: Abstinence est la meilleure cure. Appliquons-les équilibrément, aussi aux arts! Romanian proverb: Moderation is the best medic/doctor. Italian proverb: Abstinence is the best cure. Let's apply them balanced, also to the arts! Boycott toxi-art-addictions/taa. Boycott drug-disney-addiction/dda. Terrahuman sciences for global thruth and justice. Poisons are not cures.

Protest against anti-narcocyberbioharassment. Comment to a recent post from (partially decaying) UNESCO. calls to #StopBullying. The children overexploitation is an issue since Antiquity. Artists too suffer from bullying, as children and adults. Mozart, Beethoven, Santana et al. were victims, too. Terrachildren and all should be respected, not overexploited. No to pain-ballet, no to narco-sciarts. Stop narconazisacroimperialism/nnsi. We have to stop corruption by drugs, illusions (bad-political, false-religious etc.) and crimes. Please, support cosmoterrasophy, respect and safety for terrahumans, in arts and in all domains. All CosmoTerraFamily for Protectivity! stop hate. Live Terralove! Make reuniting-peace, not divisive-war. stop bad-mental-healthcare for children, and adults too. Heal them terrafriendly, do not harm them forprofit!, On corruption of the intelectuality, sciences&arts, by secret services=narconazisacroimperialism (George Orwell, CIA et al.), see

Observations: In a sclerotising time, instantaneity is a necessary health exercise. in-stant=not-standing, or, possibly, standing against smt., or in smt. For example, instant to wind, respectively instant in a planet, fig. instant to injustice etc.

Hermann von Helmholtz : "Windmills, which are used in the great plains of Holland and North Germany to supply the want of falling water, afford another instance of the action of velocity. The sails are driven by air in motion - by wind.”

Claude Monet: “I've said it before and can only repeat that I owe everything to Boudin and I attribute my success to him. I came to be fascinated by his studies, the products of what I call instantaneity.” Quote from Monet, ed. Rizzoli International Publications, 2005,

Cosmoterrians, unite for Peace and Justice! Ancora si muove...

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